The road ahead is a long one but you must keep going...
Better things are just around the corner!
Just take it one day at a time!
the past six months that I’ve been writing this blog, you will have noticed
that most of my posts have been mainly focused on my past experiences and
memories about how I initially become involved in the martial arts and my interest thereafter.
I have
to say although its been extremely therapeutic for myself writing about these past events, my intention wasn’t just about focusing on the things that had
personally happened to me; more importantly what I really want to express is my
overall desire on how I might be able to help you?
It has
been my intention all along to use this method of communication to inform
anyone that might be remotely interested, on the positive benefits that the
martial arts has to offer, as well as other useful information, which I’d
gathered along the way.
There's still so much more that I really want to share with you, so please stick
with me; I’ve got some great stories coming up as well as other useful tips and
strategies that you’ll be able to adopt into areas of your own life, if
you care to do so.