With his hand placed on his heart, Indy closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and takes an enormous leap of faith into the ravine; thankfully he discovers an invisible bridge in order to continue his pursuit of the Holy Grail and the chance to save his father’s life.
Many years ago, back
in 1987, I had to take a gigantic leap of faith. Admittedly it wasn't on
such an epic proportion as Indiana Jones's quest, but none the less for me it was
just as scary. My plan was to take a progressive step into becoming a full-time professional Martial Arts Instructor. You might now stop and say - where's the big deal in that
then? Well back in those days beginning any kind of business completely from
scratch, without any financial backing was an enormous task, let alone starting
a new occupation that was hardly even recognised.
It was also a
well-known fact and prevalent in many circles, that teaching martial arts for
financial gain was often considered 'sacrilege.' I knew of several people that actually thought martial arts should only be taught for the greater good of the 'art' with very little payment needed at all. Initially I didn’t have a problem with this particular way of 'thinking' because it wasn’t
my intention to earn a living from teaching martial arts anyway – I just taught for the love of it, however
once my circumstances dramatically changed I was left with no other option
but to move into the World of free enterprise.
It was later pointed out to
me by a high ranking Master, that many traditional martial artists
never taught completely free of charge anyway, in fact there was often a hefty price
to pay. Traditionally in the orient if a student really wanted to learn the fighting arts they would have to pay a significant amount of money up front. It was then
up to the Headmaster of that School to decide if that that particular
person was worthy to have as a student. If the position was declined for whatever reason the expectant trainee would have been turned away without any explanation or chance of recovering
their fee.
As I mentioned in my
last post, my very own opportunity to teach the martial arts as a professional occupation came about
after I found myself unemployed for several months. The way I got started was through a government
initiative called the Enterprise Allowance Scheme, which was an arrangement to get lots of people off the
dole in the UK, encouraging them to start up their own businesses. When I first
considered the option of teaching full-time, I remember telling my mother of
my hopeful intentions; her immediate reaction was.... "Oh Martin, why don't
you go find yourself a proper job."
This was just one of
the many soul-destroying attitudes that I was faced with when presenting my newfound
occupation. Many other professional people never really took me seriously and just
considered martial arts as a hobby or sport. Another aspect, which often used to
cheese-me-off, was when I had to explain what I actually did for a living. I'd generally be met with the same old response, which presented itself something like this. The individual would often listen to what I had to say, they would then take one step back, raise their hands in the air and say - "hey watch out, I don't want to upset you."
This must have literally happened to me hundreds of times and I eventually came to the conclusion it was much easier to inform people that I was a Fitness Instructor than to go through all the rigmarole of trying to convince people that I wasn't actually going to beat them up.
This must have literally happened to me hundreds of times and I eventually came to the conclusion it was much easier to inform people that I was a Fitness Instructor than to go through all the rigmarole of trying to convince people that I wasn't actually going to beat them up.
Gaining professional credibility and
acceptance over the last twenty-eight years has always been a bit of a hard slog. Persuading and
educating people about the true nature and meaning of the martial arts has
never been a straightforward thing. Martial arts has received so much negative publicity in the past; whether this comes from the many aggressive scenes witnessed in martial art movies, or just the public's overall perception - I’m not really sure... All I know is that people often associate martial arts with violence and aggression, which really couldn't be further from the truth.
Over the years it has always been my
sincere aim to see my occupation presented and recognised as an honourable profession. Practising traditional martial art teaching methods I've always tirelessly aimed at portraying specific values such as
courtesy, respect and self-discipline. I ask you, what other profession nowadays promotes this kind of practice, in conjunction with all the other physical attributes and benefits that martial art training has to offer?
At this moment in time
of writing, I now have several of my own Black Belt's considering opening up their very own Kuk Sool Won School's. My very simple advice to them would be this: Comparable with Indiana Jones – You really do have to decide to take that gigantic leap forward - Once your foot touches the ground an amazing journey awaits you. As the old (overused) Chinese proverb goes – A journey of a thousand mile begins with a single step.
not saying that this pathway will always be easy one, nothing worth having usually
is; however the rewards are plentiful and I don’t just mean in terms of financial gain. You will witness benefits far greater than money can buy. Your success lies on the other
side of the chasm – just take that one single leap of faith and like the
advice Indiana Jones received from his father - "you must believe."
Check out the following clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFntFdEGgws
Check out the following clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFntFdEGgws