Sunday 11 May 2014

Taking Credit

I would like to take full credit for everything that you’re about to read in these posts, however I must be totally honest and admit that a fair percentage of what you’ll find presented here comes from a variety of different sources. Specific material that I’ve picked-up from attending seminars and courses, from people that I’ve met, books that I’ve read, as well as CD’s and tapes that I’ve listened too.

Over the years, I have to say that I’ve had the privilege in meeting and learning from some of the Worlds finest martial art teachers. Many have built up there own businesses from just a handful of students to extra-ordinary levels. The one thing I’ve noticed about all of these martial art legends is that they were willing to share their time knowledge and information with many others, including myself.

As well as learning from these influential martial art teacher’s I’ve also had the opportunity to attend many seminars and lectures by World-renowned motivational teachers. These individuals are also amazing characters in there own-right, many have their own unique view of the world and how it functions. These talented people are able to inspire most individuals who are willing to listen and learn.

I would also like to pass-on some of my own personal experiences; my own adventure if you like, from where I first started all those years ago, up until to the present time. Much of this journey has been about my own personal development, which ultimately I believe has helped me to become not only better martial artist, but also a better person as well.

I have to admit that I have tasted many 'highs', as well as a considerable amount of 'low' periods in my martial art career. I’m now almost proud of the fact that I made so many mistakes to start off with. One thing I would like to take credit for; I was able to learn from these faults and had the courage and determination not to give-up on my chosen profession, which eventually lead me to gain considerable success within my industry.

I now feel that the time is now right for me to pass this information onto you and others like you; those that may have similar interests in understanding about the martial arts. Its material that I wish that I’d had access to straight away as a young man. I know if I’d have had this information by my side I could have achieved many of my goals in a far shorter period. However what I now realize that it was the journey, not the destination, which was the most important thing. 

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