Wednesday 14 May 2014

Teenage Torment

It was a distressing fact, that during my adolescent years wherever I went, hostility and aggression seemed to follow me around like a dark cloud hanging over my head.

Even during my early years at school I was constantly bullied and beaten by the older boys. Name-calling and being pushed around was part of my usual routine and I learned to live with the constant barrage of physical and mental abuse that continuously flowed my way. 

By the time I had reached my late-teens, I'd been on the receiving end of quite a few beatings. These altercations generally came about from certain individuals at school, street brawls with gangs from other neighbouring towns, or while visiting clubs, pubs or dance halls. 

I specifically recall one particular incident that happened after I’d travelled to a nearby town for a night out. I was in the dance-hall with a couple of mates. We were just minding our-own-business when suddenly thing’s started to turn nasty. My two friends started getting harassed by a group of thugs. Like a good pal I stepped in to assist my friends. All of a sudden the hostile gang focused their attention on me, leaving a small window of opportunity for my friends to get away, which they rapidly did. The next thing I knew after a few punches had been exchanged I was knocked to the ground and I was constantly being kicked and punched in the head. After trying to fight-back as best I could, I then experienced a massive kick to the face. Everything after that just seemed like a complete haze as I lay motionless on the floor. The next thing I knew - the dance-hall lights had been switched on and Stewards had thankfully come to my rescue.

As you can imagine this was quite a traumatic experience for a sixteen-year-old-boy to endure. The only positive thing to come out of all this was that I realised that at least I had the courage to protect my friends and try stand my ground. 

Gradually with the passing of time, I became more and more street-wise to the many physical encounters that were increasingly coming my way.

I am now thankful, looking back to those days, that there weren’t any guns, knives or other offensive weapons to deal with. By-and-large there were just lots of fists and feet flying about, as well as the odd chair being slung or a bottle being waved in your face.

Lucky for me, apart from suffering with a broken nose and few cracked ribs, the only other injuries that I received during my teenage years were just minor cuts and bruises. Somehow I managed to stay away from any serious physical harm, psychologically however the constant barrage of violence was beginning to take its toll. 
In due course there was one further scenario that would literally change my whole outlook on life.

You can read all about it in my next post called "The Final Straw." 

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